Ny bok! ”Back to basic! – A step forward”

Torgny Östling har precis släppt en bok på engelska som summerar hans presentationsmaterial. Han försöker här ge ett sammanhang kring hur vi hamnat i den situation vi befinner oss i vad gäller jordbruk och naturresurser. Men frågan är så mycket större än så. Det är basen för vår välfärd likväl som försörjning vi pratar om. Det här är en måstebok för alla som vill förstå sin egen samtid och lära av historien för att förstå vart vi borde sikta i framtiden.
”At the time of printing this text the coronavirus is spreading throughout the world. The severe consequences for human beings and nations are impossible to overlook. And our non-existent preparedness is more obvious than ever. To reach the goals of Food Sovereignty there is a need to provide conditions for farming in forestry worth the name.
We lost our preparedness and also our ability to feed ourselves because of globalization and the EU policy.
The anti-globalization slogan from the 1990s “another world is possible“ is now a necessity. To reach more sustainable goals we have to learn our lessons and understand what kind of society we left and the current political/economic systems. By whom, why, where and when were these systems created?
There are no complete answers but hopefully this book will give you an initial review of causes and effects and reinforce the awareness to never again build a society on the same conditions.”
”In spring time it is time to sow the seeds and root crops for having food and feed stuff for the coming winter. In Sweden hundreds of thousands of hectares of unused land and the practical knowledge from former farmers are valuable assets for recovering a national Food Sovereignty.”
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